Artistic directors explain why they loved presenting The IT Girl
The IT Girl is a perfect jewel of a small cast musical.
Beautifully written with style, wit and grace, the songs will not leave you quickly or easily. The snappy tunes are accompanied by a polished story that brings together a charming tale of romance and adversity conquered that will leave the audience laughing in the seats and tapping their toes beneath them. Easy to produce, this "movie come to life" show can be styled with black & white unit sets with projections and actor driven scenic elements to create a production that becomes seamless, mirroring the smart and stylish book, score and characters. This new musical will quickly become a hit for any regional theater and likely one of the seasons's most profitable, with limited cast and great word of mouth. Perfect for light musical fare in summer or a romantic valentine for your audience in February."
- Brad Kenny, former Artistic Director
Foothills Theatre Company, Worcester, MA
The IT Girl is a perfect High School musical.
It was my final show before retiring, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. The characters are appealing and within the range of high school actors. The music is challenging but not too difficult for high school voices. The dialogue is witty and sophisticated but there is nothing objectionable. My students loved the play. We used a cast of about 30. We didn't double any roles and added a chorus. The characters are within the capabilities of an average high school performer. Numbers are lively and easily adaptable to the dance abilities of teenagers. The set can be as simple or as elaborate as your budget allows. My student orchestra handled the music with expertise and the stage crew rehearsed with the cast and became an integral part of the choreography. The show was enthusiastically received by parents and audience.
- Linda Dolan, former drama teacher
Wrentham High School, Wrentham, MA
The genius of The IT Girl, in our view, is the vision of the creators...
...in mapping such complex, multifaceted, interconnected means to such pleasurable, seemingly effortless end. We stumbled upon The IT Girl at the last minute, in a rush to find a compact, classy, unusual musical for our 2007 summer season. Our audiences remember the humor, the easy flow and the memorable tunes and classic characters doing their silent movie bits... The IT Girl, finally, is a show for ALL audiences, and a show for talented, ensemble-minded creative teams only. BT McNicholl, Michael Small, and Paul McKibbins are the real deal. No doubt their individual and collective talents will continue to dazzle in years to come. We were glad to cross their paths, and hope to again.
- Dana Packard, Artistic Director
The Orignals Theatre Cmpany, Bar Mills, ME